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Џорџ за Претседател









Skopje, 18 dekemvri 2008

Po povod direktnata navreda na premierot na Republika Bugarija
Stanisev kon Makedoncite vo Bugarija, pretsedatelskot kandidat
Gjorgjija George Atanasoski ja dade slednata izjava:

"Sramota e za Bugarija nejziniot premier da kazuva lagi vo poseta na sosedna drzava. Go potsetuvam g.Stanisev deka OMO Ilinden PIRIN veke bese ednas registrirana vo R. Bugarija, a potoa zabraneta, i so toa negovata izjava deka partijata ne saka da bide registriana pagja vo voda. Pri sekoj povtoren obid za registracija dokumentite se proverni
od bugarski advokati taka da i izjavata deka bile podnesuvani
nekompletni dokumenti e isto nevistina. G. Stanisev ne kaza nisto za policiskiot pritisok koga blizu 6000 clenovi na OMO Ilinden PIRIN bea povikani na ispituvanje vo policija nitu pak za izjavite na
bugarski politicari deka Makedonci nema i ne mozi da ima. So svojata politika kon makedonskoto malcinstvo Bugarija, isto kako i Grcija,
ja srami Evropa i EU i doprinesuva na namaluvanje na nivniot kredibilitet. Tvrdam deka makedonskite mediumi ne sirat antibugarski cuvstva, kako sto cesto sakat da kazat nasite sosedi, tuku postoi sosema sprotivnoto: iskrivena slika za Makedonija i Makedoncite vo bugarskite mediumi. Go povikuvam g. Stanisev, a i celoto bugarsko opstestvo, da prestani
da zivee vo minatoto tuku da se odnesuva evropski t.e.
zaedno da rabotime na posvetla idnina na Balkanot.


Skopje, 20 noemvri 2008

Po povod podnesuvanjeto na tuzba vo Megjunarodniot sud na pravdata kandidatot za pretsedatel na Republika Makedonija Gjorgjija George Atanasoski mu isprati pismo so podrska na Premierot na RM Nikola Gruevski. Vo pismoto g. Atanasoski naveduva deka "...Krajno vreme bese da se napravi vakov cekor."

Skopje - 06 Oktomvri 2008

Denovive se slucuvaat mnogu vazni nastani vo vrska so imeto na Republika Makedonija. Denes se dogovaraat partiskite lideri, utre i zadutri Nimic ke predlagal konecno resenie. Po toj povod kandidatot za pretsedatel na Republika Makedonija - George Atanasoski ja dade slednata izjava: "Apeliram do site politicki sili vo Makedonija da razberat deka ne e mozen dogovor za naseto ime so edna zemja na koja i preci makedonskiot identitet. Makedonija ne smee da prodolzuva da pregovara za svoeto vekovno ime. Sekakvi pregovori treba vednaz da se prekinat i resenieto treba da se bara vo ON kade bese sozdaden celiot problem koga ovaa organizacija nezakonski ni nametna dopolnitelni uslovi za clenstvo. Gi opomenuvam onie sto seuste mislat deka dogovor so Grcija e mozen i prodolzuvaat so takvi napori deka makedonskiot narod ne se soglasuva so promena ni na edna bukva i zatoa ke bidat odgovorni za site nesogledlivi posledici. Namesto zaludni pregovori site treba da se koncentriraat vrz podobruvanje na ekonomijata."



Skopje - 25 avgust 2008
Makedonskata alijansa najostro protestira po povod izjavata na Zoran Zaev za potrebata Makedonija da popusti vo sporot za imeto so Grcija. Podelenosta na poziciite za imeto vo Makedonija samo ja ohrabruvaat nepopustlivosta i resenosta na Grcija da istrae vo svojot iracionalen stav
i da ni nametne ime po svoj izbor. Makedonskata alijansa go povtoruva svojot stav za nemenuvanje na imeto i gi pozdravuva takvite stavovite na makedonskata vlada. Voedno apelirame do site politicki partii, medii i
drugi organizacii da go socuvaat edinstvoto za nemenuvanje na naseto vekovno ime.


Skopje - 13 avgust 2008

Po povod 95-tata godisnina od potpisuvanjeto na Bukureskiot dogovor so koj bese podelena Makedonija Pretsedatelot na Makedonskata Alijansa George Atanasoski ja dade slednata izjava:
"Pominaa 95 godini od kobnata podelba na etnicka Makedonija no posledicite gi cuvstvuvame do den denes. Makedoncite koi ziveat vo teritorijata na Makedonija nadvor od Republikata seuste ne si
gi imaat ostvareno svoite osnovni covekovi prava i se predmet na sekakvi asimilacii, maltretiranja i pritisoci. Samata Republika Makedonija e zrtva na mahinaciite na sosedite koi se obiduvaat
da ne unistat zasekogas. Zatoa gi povikuvam site Makedonci vo
svetot da go iskorisat ovoj tragicen den da gi ostavat tesnopartiskite i licni interesi nastrana i da se obedinat vo
borbata sa ostvaruvanje na nasite nacionalni stremezi.
Ne e vazno dali Bukureskiot dogovor ima rok na traenje ili ima
tajni aneksi: Republika Makedonija ne e potpisnik na toj dogovor i
sprema toa toj ne e obvrzuvacki za nas."




Skopje - 05 Avgust 2008

Po povod neodamnesniot pismo na pretsedatelot na Evropskata komisija Barroso do premierot Gruevski pretsedatelot na Makedonskata alijansa George Atanasoski mu go isprati na pretsedatelot na Evropskata komisija slednoto pismo: 

Dear President Barroso,
 I'm writing you regarding your recent letter to the Prime Minister of my country, the Republic of Macedonia, in which you seem to inform him that EU rules and regulations no longer apply to your member countries. It is very interesting to know whether there was a recent change in EU policies or these new rules apply only to Greece.
  Please allow me to remind you, citing information available from the EU web site, about human rights responsibilities and polices as declared by your organization:
 "...The European Union attaches great importance to respect for human rights within the Union itself, on the basis of Articles 6, 7 and 13 of the Treaty on European Union and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Based on Community initiatives and programmes like Daphne and Progress, its activity focuses on combating discrimination, racism and xenophobia and on protecting minorities in fields such as asylum, immigration or employment. In this context, the European Fundamental Rights Agency monitors respect for these core values and plays an important intermediary and information-giving role between the various bodies.  Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, together with the principles of liberty, democracy and the rule of law, are values common to all EU Member States. As
such, these values also guide the Union's action both inside and outside its borders. European action in this area is based on the Treaty on European Union to which the Charter of Fundamental Rights is annexed. The EU has gradually pushed the human rights issue to the forefront of its relations with other countries and regions. Since 1992, all agreements on trade or cooperation with third countries contain a clause stipulating that human rights are an essential element in the relations between the parties. There are now more than 120 such agreements.
 The pivotal role of human rights is particularly evident in the Cotonou Agreement - the trade and aid pact which links the Union with 78 developing countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific (the ACP group). If any of these countries fail to respect human rights, trade concessions can be suspended and aid programmes reduced or curtailed. The Union believes that poverty reduction, the main objective of its overseas development policy, will only be achieved in a democratic structure…”
     As you can see, Mr. President, the EU seemingly is a champion of human rights in Europe and elsewhere yet in the case of Greece you choose to ignore the plea by Macedonia's Prime Minister begging you to intervene on behalf of the Macedonian minority in Greece. The Macedonian refugees from Greece still cannot return to their homes in Greece just because they are not "Greeks by race". With your letter, Mr. President, you have established a precedent by which you encourage countries to ignore their human rights commitments if they choose so because they can no longer fear consequences imposed by your office. This action will surely undermine EU's credibility with unforeseen consequences including destabilization of countries and regions. If the EU cannot guarantee human rights then alternative methods, even violence,
will be seeked.
     I urge you, Mr. President, to reconsider your position and send a strong worded letter to Greece and other member and candidate member states that the EU will continue to safeguard and protect human rights everywhere where they are not respected and will impose sanctions on all that violate these principles.
 Please allow me to express my highest respect for your office and you personally,
George Atanasoski
The Macedonian Aliance
















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